Counter offers - stick or twist

I recently requested my LinkedIn network to take part in a poll to determine whether they would consider, refuse or entertain the notion of a counter offer, when handing in their resignation.

Counter offers have become the ‘norm’ in recent years and are to be fully expected as companies are looking to retain their best people, often without considering the knock-on effect in the team.

The results were fascinating….
Yes – They have accepted a counter and it was the right decision – 17% 😁
Yes – They have accepted a counter and it was a mistake – 18% 😥
No – I’d never consider or accept a counter – 65% 👎

To raise the point from the employers perspective, based on the above information, 83% of people who resign from their position WILL NOT consider a counter offer or will come to regret accepting one. This is a huge number (and above what I thought it would be) which shows the mindset that employees will have when they come to resign.

One point to take from this information – when the employee comes to resign, the damage has already been done! Keep your people happy, keep them engaged and most importantly – act sooner should they seem to be heading down the road of ‘silent quitting’.  


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