Talent acquisition – it’s all about trust

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The last 12 months have been challenging – with the UK’s healthcare systems under intense strain, coupled with additional challenges that have arisen from the breakup with Brussels, many business owners are coming up against difficulties that have simply never been seen before. But how has Brexit affected the UK healthcare system? And will it lead to skills shortages across the UK that will have a damaging long-lasting impact on the NHS?

The success of the UK healthcare system has long relied on bringing skilled workers from the EU however as from the beginning of this year the costs associated with this have increased which means that the cost of sponsoring an EU (and non-EU) National may have now outweighed the benefit.

Without sponsorship, many skilled workers won’t have the opportunity to move to the UK, with the impact on smaller business meaning they may be entirely priced out of the market, leading to skill shortages at an already difficult time. At the moment it is too early to say what the actual impact has been on the availability of talent, but what employers must do now is put their best foot forward to find the best talent available. And that often means partnering with a specialist recruitment partner rather than generalist agencies.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition has never been more pivotal for any business. With the indirect costs associated of taking on hiring, as well as any costs of a recruitment partner, deciding to hire in the current climate is one that would not come lightly to any business leader with every penny being analysed – and rightly so.

So how can you ensure that if you are to invest your money into a new hire, you are as certain as possible you are making the right hire and avoiding wasted funds? With RMG’s combined years of hiring talent in the UK and Internationally, we can offer advice and expertise on a wide range of hiring questions.

RMG has a recognised track record of adding outstanding talent to hundreds of MedTech and Life Science businesses over the years. We carefully push back against panic methods of recruitment and favour a rigorous, proven, and comprehensive process. Though there are risks associated with any new hire, our network and reputation mean that we can genuinely reduce that risk for our clients, giving you the information and tools needed to make an informed decision when selecting a new employee.

In summary, when hiring – use a trusted formula and trusted partner who knows your business and you will find that even the most complex of hires (in a currently complex market) can be made smooth and seamless.


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Finding your next key hire